Our Schedule
From Ambleside online I get our weekly schedule. Our school year has three terms, each 12 weeks long. Here is how I divided up the work into a daily schedule: Monday: Bible reading Math Copywork Spelling (a spelling, reading, penmanship curriculum) Music: Hymn (this month's hymn is Praise To The Lord, The Almighty) History Outside Literature (Poetry: this term's poet is Walter de la Mare) Free reading Spanish (a children's Spanish class at the library) Tuesday: Bible reading Math Copywork Spelling Music: Classical (this term's composer is Mozart) History: history of England Outside Literature (Historical Fiction) Free Reading Wednesday: Bible reading Math Copywork Spelling Music: Folksong (this term's folksong is Cockles and Mussels) History: world history Outside Literature (Pilgrim's Progress) Free Reading Thursday: Bible reading Math Copywork Spelling Art (this term's painter is Pieter Brueghel) Geography Literature (Pilgrim's Progress) Free Reading...